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Planning Board Minutes 03/21/2007

Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Town Hall Hearing Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:  R. Dennis O’Connell, Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard, Stephen Oliver, David Rowell
Absent:  Barbara Gray, Ronald Harper, Rex Peterson

Chairman O’Connell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Recommendation for Warrant Article on 335 Main Street
Wellfleet Preservation Hall representatives Nicholas Gulde and Anne Suggs were present to discuss the 335 Main Street proposal for Town Meeting Warrant Article #24.

Suggs explained background of Wellfleet Preservation Hall (WPH) members, studies they had conducted so far, their 5013C filing, their fund raising efforts and staffing needs and the relationship of the property and the Town. Gulde discussed programming after the renovations are completed.  It would include art exhibits, performances, classes, public meetings and private events.

Planning Board questioned them about the demolition of the rectory portion of the building, roof repairs, seating capacity, the water and septic system.  The nature of the Town’s custodianship was discussed; the Town will continue to own the land, and the group will lease or condominiumize the building.  Parent said he did not foresee other construction on the Penny Patch lot or the rectory site after the church sanctuary portion was restored.  

Suggs discussed the steps that would occur if the Article passed at Town Meeting.  They would respond to an RFP and seek money through grants and fund raising once it was accepted.  Parent speculated what might happen if someone else came forward and got the building instead of WPH.  Suggs explained the reversionary clause:  if the building were not used as a community center, it would revert back to Town ownership.  Suggs said it was possible to return it to Town ownership at some future time in any case.  

O’Connell asked for an explanation of why the Selectmen need the kind of authority to proceed.  Suggs said they checked on procedure with the Attorney General’s office.  She said all intention is to keep the way paved for WPH, but it cannot be promised.  Parent discussed the sealed bid process.  Suggs said they anticipated bids being considered on merit.  Parent said another non-profit that bid higher could be chosen.  

O’Connell discussed “Friends of” organizations for fund raising.  Parent discussed the water situation in downtown.  Suggs said that a waiting period for water would give them time to fund raise and stabilize the building.  

Suggs said WPH had asked if the RFP would go out to developers and non-profits.  This is stated in the explanation of the Article. Pickard cautioned that grant writers would be interested in the project.  Suggs said that the RFP can be tailored to a cultural center.  
Parent said the Article was “not tight” and could be met with doubt at Town Meeting.  Parent discussed what was inside and what was outside the scope of the Article.  Suggs said WPH is planning an informational session prior to Town Meeting.  

Parent moved to write a letter to BOS that PB feels that the language of the Article is too open and that it should be more constraining on the BOS to convey ownership to the WPC even as a gift. The letter will further state, “We don’t know if the gift avenue has been fully explored, but it should be reviewed.  We wonder if an RFP has to be done.  Can it be avoided by gifting the sanctuary as a condo unit to WPH?”  Pickard seconded, and the motion to send the letter carried 5-0.

Pickard moved to reserve recommendation for the 335 Main Street Article for the floor at Town Meeting.  O’Connell seconded.  The motion carried 5-0.  

Rules & Regulations Revision and Other Business
O’Connell said he and Parent would bring back more Subdivision Rules & Regulations revision work to the next meeting.
David Rowell discussed non-compliant structures that had building permits without Special Permits.  The building inspector is looking for language in the bylaws that permitted structures be grandfathered.  They are not pre-existing, non-conforming structures.  They are noncompliant. Building Inspector Paul Murphy has some language from another town that he will bring to Rex Peterson for incorporation into a draft bylaw.  

Rowell also asked about condominiums that were controlled by Special Permit now that the bylaw does not require a Special Permit for condominium ownership.  The building inspector is still viewing them as subjects of Special Permit, he said.  

Minutes of 3/7/07
Parent moved to approve the amended minutes of March 7, 2007.  Oliver seconded and the motion carried 4-0.  

Parent moved to adjourn, Rowell seconded and the motion carried 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chairman   
